Bloom Collection now available!

I am incredibly excited to share with you all - that the Bloom collection of art is now live!

Whew. I was going to plow right in, but I want to take a moment to just appreciate that.

Live. Today. As in live, like now aired? As an live, like be alive? Yes.

8 months ago I can tell you that I didn’t have any plans of having a collection launching today. 8 months ago was the beginning of what felt like the beginning of a crash of life. At the end of March my father had some health issues that came out of nowhere, and we thought we would be lucky if we could get him to wake up enough to say goodbye. Now he’s making holiday plans, debating the pro’s and con’s of staying on his favorite social media (aren’t we all) and driving to meet friends for lunch.

7 months ago there were back-to-back events that rocked my professional community. I have been working in public schools for the past nine years, and anyone who works with humans knows that it can become sticky business. I will spare the details… but I will say that it was eye-opening to have events that you hear about in the news, events you think will never happen to you. Until they do. They need to invent a better word than “surreal” to explain that state of being. They probably have and I just don’t carry it in my vernacular.

I was the seed that was pushed down into the dirt. It felt pretty all-encompassingly dark. It felt full of pressure and the only thing that made sense was to push. To use the strength I had, the strength I didn’t know I possessed, and climb through until it broke into sunlight again. I laugh when I look at my vision board for the year. Full of messages of growing, following the light, reinventing life and creating bloom. The me that made this board knew what it wanted but had no clue what the journey would take to arrive here.

So on this LAUNCH DAY - I still can’t believe I get to say that - I want to take time to appreciate 11 beautiful truths that have bloomed for me over these past months. 11 thriving blossoms, drawn out and shared with you. My visual journal of the journey.

11 truths I have learned:
1. Every day is a chance to embrace joy. No matter what may be happening around you - you always have the ability to tap into joy. And you deserve it.
2. We are earth. It reflects us and we reflect it. Learn from its seasons with every breath you share with it.
3. No fire around you is going to warm you near as much as the fire you tend to within.
4. That fire will burn. Let it. Let everything that is not meant for you burn away, and when you stand on the other side, realize that you are fireproof. You can walk through anything.
5. When the fire goes through and clears the way, the forest will always grow back. Always believe the new growth will return.
6. When you allow things to grow, you are not a world changer - you are a world creator. Always choose to create.
7. When the creation grows up into the world and the sky, let the roots sink down into the ground. The heights are only as strong as their depths.
8. If your depths hold true then any amount of wind can blow around you and you will stay strong. Let your strength turn the winds into a dance.
9. Your bloom will not stay. The earth goes through seasons and the blooms make way for falling leaves and it will return to winter. So appreciate these precious days of bloom every moment you have them.
10. There is beauty in growth. And when you stand in its peak, make sure you take time to appreciate everything you have accomplished. To appreciate is give something more value. This journey and your bloom is the most valuable thing you possess.
11. Always remember to have fun. Always remember to have fun. ALWAYS. Remember to have fun. What is this for if we can’t enjoy it?

Thank you for letting me share my Bloom with you. Prints are now available - check out the store to find these 11 beautiful blooms for your own journey and sacred space!

One of my absolute favorite bands has a new album out tomorrow - and in their trickle of new songs coming out I have found anthems of feeling in all of them. If you want to join me in some joyful dance this weekend go listen to Walk The Moon’s joyful tune “Rise Up.” I’m gonna boogie, celebrate, release, and have fun.

It also happens to be my mom’s birthday so I’m going to take a world full of love and send it her way today. Take your joy and share it with loved ones! 11/11 powerful portal energy, let’s go!

Moriah Thielges