The charmed life

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

-Roald Dahl


In early 2023, I was in the throws of one of those pesky dark nights of the soul.

I had gone through quite a few personal challenges. There was a decent amount of “texture” in my existence after nearly every corner of my world had been rocked. My work, my family, my friends, my self. I knew the hardest times were over but I didn’t yet know when or where dawn would rise. It was a particularly harsh winter as well, and I was clinging to any brightness I could bring into my sphere.

It was the beginning of March and I had been looking forward to some of the simple joys I could take and cherish to boost my own mood. I had gotten a box of Lucky Charms, as was a tradition of mine every year in March, to indulge in something a little child-like and sweet. It was so many simple joys that I loved; it was a return to color after the dull and gray winter season, a little nod to my birthday coming up that month, and a little recognition of my never-ending love of Ireland. It was a ritual I had created just for myself.

I had poured a bowl and took a minute to just appreciate what a simple joy it could be to give value to anything, no matter how great or small, as a vessel for joy and magic. And then the idea hit me - I could harness that magic. I could dance with the joy and my brush, and I could create my own collection of pure, simple child-like appreciation.

My Lucky Crew series is a celebration of pure, simple connection. Each one embodies a state of being almost that of an archetype, providing their own magic to the greater whole of their community. Each one has their story to tell, their strength that has grown over time, but all of them combine these strengths to make the whole that is greater than the sum of their parts. Each has an offering to place in the circle of their gathering, and the celebration would not be complete if even one of them were not there to share in the gold. Come, gather and be a part of the magic.