Go on, pick a card…

Tarot cards have been in and out of my life for nearly my entire life. The first time I ever encountered tarot is when a friend in middle school took her deck out and let me explore. I was gifted my first deck somewhere in late high school to early college. I let myself slip out of the practice midway through college (though I still stopped at readers every time one was available at a fair) but just couldn’t stay away. In 2015 I bought myself an absolutely beautiful deck to try to find some of those answers to life’s ongoing questions, and I’ve never really looked back

I have done countless readings through the years - for myself, for friends, study partners in tarot educational groups, and clients from all backgrounds. I am an intuitive tarot reader; despite having studied the iconography of the Rider Waite deck and the numerology and elements involved with classic tarot, my decks and I have some inside jokes and stories to tell. I have individual connections with each card in my deck as well as each deck itself - a three of cups in my beloved first Shadowscapes deck might mean something completely different than if a three of cups shows up in a reading using my hauntingly beautiful Raven’s Prophecy cards. We’ll flow together and see where it goes.

Tarot is not meant to be fortunetelling in a direct way like media would have you believe. They won’t tell your future, they certainly can’t tell you how to win the lottery, and they absolutely should not be taken as medical, legal, or financial advice. Pulling that infamous “Death” card does not mean someone is going to die. What they can do is help you facilitate your thoughts and energy for what next steps might be. What are aspects of yourself you might consider in the coming days, weeks, months? What are some current complications you may have in your circumstances, and what approaches are available that you could take to move forward? Much like how flipping a coin helps you make a decision, for the fact that as it spins in the air you know what you hope it will land on - tarot will help you bring awareness to your own priorities, energies, and resolution in deciding how to move forward.

Tarot “spreads” to choose from

A tarot “spread” is how the cards are laid out. A certain number, questions or topics for each one. Think of it like a recipe or formula for your messages to come through. Read through each spread below to see what resonates most for your inquiry.

Celtic Cross (10 cards)

Think of this as a catch-all spread. It’s your current situation, what obstacles you may be facing, and things to consider as you move forward. It’s a great spread for people who might not have particular questions, are open-ended to answers, or have never gotten a tarot reading before. Examples of some of the particular card meanings are:

  • Present situation

  • How the past is relevant in the situation

  • Your power in the situation

  • Next steps to focus on

Message from the Universe (4 cards)

Quick and simple! This is a simple 4-card spread if you are open to receiving any messages and simply want to receive. You will get a message regarding your body, heart, mind, and spirit. Let’s see what the universe wants you to know!

Full or New Moon spread (7 cards)

This is one of my personal favorites, the reading I would most do for myself. A monthly or bi-weekly check in, to examine what lessons were most beneficial from the last moon to the present, and what to take forward into the near future. Great for those looking for ongoing readings and anyone in tune with lunar cycles. Examples of particular card meanings are:

  • Releasing: What you should be letting go of

  • Receiving: Things that will be coming into your life

  • Your lesson: What you should be learning at this point

Blooming Lotus (5 cards)

There are times in life we know that we are at the beginning of new growth. Whether it be projects, lessons, adventures, or even something within ourselves, the garden of who we are takes tending to as any other growth. This spread is for people who are looking to cultivate their circumstances to bloom. Examples of particular card meanings are:

  • What seeds you have planted and how they effect you now

  • What to weed from your garden to best bloom

  • How to nurture the soil for your best growth

Celestial Wish (5 cards)

See a star and make a wish! This is a spread to help you focus your energies on a wish you hope to come true. Much like the law of attraction or a vision board, putting your focus on your wish will help guide you to your true north to make your highest good come true. Examples of some of the particular card meanings are:

  • What your wish actually is

  • What you see clearly and what is hidden

  • How to best manifest your wish

Special Occasions!

There are many tarot readings that I love to pull out at the right time of year! I have a very favorite birthday reading for your special day. For those that follow the wheel of the year, I am happy to break out seasonal readings for Litha, Mabon, Yule, any of the eight holidays. And my absolute favorite, most magical day of the year - I love to do New Years readings for people. Please reach out if you would like a special occasion reading, or any questions you have that are not covered above.

Near and Far…

For clients around the world, we are able to do a digital meeting or recording of your tarot reading. I will use whichever deck speaks most to me about your inquiry and will talk through both the specific card placements in the spread as well as which cards were dealt in your personalized reading. We can select a time for a virtual meeting or a recording, depending on your preference and my availability. A meeting allows us to have a conversation about the cards and for me to clarify any questions, and a recording would be yours to re-watch as many times as needed.

If you are near the Twin Cities in Minnesota we also have the option of an in-person reading if my availability allows. You will simply choose the “in-person” drop down option when selecting your reading. This option allows us to meet in person, talk through the reading, and I can answer any questions you have as we go through.

I can’t wait to work with you!