In this together

We all know how varied, specific, and personal a spiritual path can be in this human journey. Even bringing up the word “spirituality” can raise eyebrows and hairs, putting people on raised alert and raising defenses. Our connection to whatever form our faith takes is a deeply personal one - and rightly so. We are also stepping into a time when we are realizing that what works for one or two, or what has worked for some groups for hundreds of years, just doesn’t work for everyone now. If we are standing at the buffet of faith, some people want to fill their plate with their favorite, some people want a plate of variety, and some people really just haven’t been hungry. All are beautiful paths for the individual to authentically walk. All of these paths also become a very lonely journey when you walk your own path in your own way.

I have had my own varied and individual path. There are countless stories and experiences that I know would make others shake their head in disbelief; feelings which seem impossible to put into words for others to understand. I have sought out so many groups and communities available to me. I have gone to community groups and webinars, read self-help and metaphysical books, tried podcasts and shows, and many religious frameworks. I resented when I was directed not to look outside of myself but to simply look within. If it was that simple, everyone would be enlightened.

Sometimes, all it takes is one validating voice to help us see our own truth. One simple phrase from another to help us place a frame on our viewpoint. One extra set of hands to help place all of our puzzle pieces together. One connection to reach out to create a spark.

One of my greatest joys is working together in community. For years, I have worked in public education - first, to work with students to become their most creative, unique, shining selves. I took the next step to then support teachers, helping them examine their choices, priorities, and to reflect on their path so they felt it it was the most authentic and effective it could be. I have been certified in coaching modalities, in learning modalities, and employed many methodologies of leadership and mentorship in my path.

I am also known in the friend groups I’ve collected through the years as the offbeat one who might be just a little weird and walking their own path, but a unique perspective that is always ready to listen. The one who will help you go to the store to pick out your first ever deck of tarot cards. The one who is so happy to share my favorite stories of paranormal investigation - and will always, always want to hear the stories you’ve experienced but never told another soul.

We should work together if…

You feel like it resonates and your inner knowing says “yes!”

That’s it.

There are many spiritual coaches and guides offering different perspectives and beautiful approaches. Maybe they would be a good fit to you. Maybe something about me feels like a good fit. I’m not going to use marketing ploys and “sounds good” tactics to try to make it sound like I’m more knowledgeable, more experienced, or a better choice than any of them. My goal is to work with you in an authentic capacity and help you reach understanding on your own path. I believe that if we are a good fit it will spark excitement in you, and that is the beginning of a great journey!

What I can offer you if we do work together

There are strengths to my approaches and experience that I love bringing to the table. I have been told by many people over many years that I bring a calming presence, and that I am an exceptional listener. I will bring my discernment so we can walk to the heart of the matter - and I will not shy away from digging in the mud and getting our hands dirty as needed. We’re going to find some gold together.

My goal is to help you find your individual path, and we will take a unique approach together to empower you to your gifts and your truth. Sometimes the sea of 21st century spirituality can feel like there’s a certain way to be to approach it correctly. A lot of times it feels like the corners of ourselves might be outside the circle of that image. But if we are spirits, all of it is spiritual. You can be on a spiritual path and:

  • Love grilling in the summer

  • Play video games

  • Color your hair every hue of the rainbow or have any number of tattoos

  • Be an award-winning gardener. Or absolutely fail at keeping plants alive. Or anywhere between

  • Watch anime, cartoons, or other favorites

  • Attend, or perform in, rock concerts, rap concerts, jazz shows, 90’s grunge cover bands, or any variety of shows

  • Work in an industry where spirituality is not talked about or addressed

  • Be part of the LGBTQ+

  • Be offbeat in literally any capacity

There isn’t a right or wrong way to show up as a spiritual human. I believe the whole point of this amazing human expansion is that we are so different! The light bends through the prism and gives us the entire spectrum of color to enjoy - so why would we want to dim our true colors?

What to expect

I currently offer individual sessions as well as a 5-session package.

One Hour Session

In our hour-long session, we’ll dive straight into the topic that matters most to you. Whether you’re feeling stuck, need clarity on a specific issue, or want to explore if we’re a good fit, this time is all about addressing your needs directly. We can tackle the subject deeply or keep things more relaxed—either way, you’ll receive valuable guidance and find the closure you’re looking for.

Five Session Mini-Mentorship

This collection allows us the opportunity to dive deeper under the surface. We can set ongoing goals between sessions, work on unraveling thought patterns and habits to grow new ones, and find ways to orient and step forward towards your next self. We can interweave other modalities into our meetings and find what resonates true in the core of the authentic you.

I offer a free fifteen minute consultation before we begin for new clients, as it allows us to individualize and tailor this experience for you. This is your journey and we want to make sure that these sessions leave you feeling empowered and refreshed, giving you the strength that you need as you take your next steps going forward.

I am so excited to work with you!